
I have learned that priorities often change according to which party has the majority in the Virginia Legislature. By maintaining and strengthening the Senate Democratic majority, we can make sure that we continue to focus on the people we serve, instead of pandering to big business and fighting useless culture wars. 

Protecting The Right to Choose

It’s ridiculous and dangerous that some legislators think they have the right to tell women what kind of choices they can make about their health. Those decisions are only between women and their doctors. These choices are protected by law here in Virginia, and as your Senator, I will fight to keep it that way.

Elderly woman at a pro-choice rally holding an "Our Life - Our Decision" sign
A teacher with a full classroom of gradeschool students

Improving Education for All

Every child in Virginia deserves a world-class public education, regardless of race, ethnicity, or zip code. I’m proud of my record, which includes supporting student achievement by sponsoring HB1526, which establishes student literacy measures and requires school districts to offer help to students who are not meeting standards by offering the services of reading specialists.

Keeping Our Communities Safe

Like the majority of Virginians I am an advocate for sensible gun ownership. Three Virginians are killed every single day by gun violence. We cannot allow our kids and communities to keep suffering from this senseless violence

A peaceful Suffolk highway seen from above
A doctor in a lab coat

Making Healthcare Accessible

Every Virginian should have access to quality, affordable healthcare. That’s why I’m fighting for legislation to simplify healthcare pricing and make it more transparent. As well as fighting for access to broadband in rural areas, so Virginians who are far away from care facilities can use telehealth services.